Open cell aluminum foam panel
News | 2021-04-25 17:21
Open cell aluminum foam panel has a large specific surface area, high porosity, wide heat diffusion space and high wall heat transfer, giving it a good heat exchange performance.Under the condition of natural convection, heat exchange can be conducted between the flow of gas or liquid in the pores of foamed metal such as
Open cell aluminum foam panel and the pore wall, so
Open cell aluminum foam panel is a good heat exchange material or heat dissipation material.Because of good fluid power transmission, the cooling performance of
foam metal can even reach its heat conduction performance of density matrix, and uses the
foam metal can enhance the heat exchanger of the aviation equipment, energy power with compact type heat sink and heat exchange of air cooling in cooling tower equipment capacity.
For example, the de-icing device and anti-freezing device used in the airplane, the
Open cell aluminum foam panel sheet is installed in front of the wings, and the heated gas or antifreeze is sprayed from the foamed aluminum plate to achieve the purpose of de-icing .